angles block brown chopping colored coloring colors coloured colouring colours crack cracked cracks cut cuts drying exposed firewood grooved grooves length lengths log lopped orange perspectives piece rough sawn surface surfaces texture textures timber tree tree-block trunk uneven wood wooden abandoned abstract background beige black building cabin concept crazed creation design distressed fencing fill floor graphic grunge hi res image New old original paint palings peeling planks render run down rural rustic slats style unique urban decay vector very high resolution vintage wall wattle and daub worn appearance attach attachments Australian bagmoth bagworm bagworm-moths Camouflage camouflaged case-moth caterpillar caterpillar-larvae cocoon cocooned collected collection detritus distinctive forequarters larva-case larvae lepidoptera locomotion log-cabin-case-moth mobile mobile-case moth moths movement moving native natural psychidae sticks unusual Australian-bushland bush bushland carpet carpeting conservation contrast contrasting damp dense density ecology ferns foliage green greenery layers leaves lichen lichens light moss nature plants rotting shade shadows sunlight sunshine trees undergrowth vegetation weeds biodiversity biology bog cap earth ecosystem edible environment environmental forest fragile fungi fungus grow growth life cycle marsh mossy mushroom outdoors outside planet pond protect rainforest rotten science species Stump swamp symbiosis toadstool wetlands wild World age-rings bark logs rings tree-rings Asia barn boat bungalow cottage country Dirt fish fisherman fishermen fishing flexible home house housing hut landscape laos life lodge lonely mekong movable move Mud poor poverty river roof scene scenic shed shelter simple structure trade travel water

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0 0 grade account_circle tree blocks3b
32 1 grade account_circle Log Cabin Wall 1
45 0 grade account_circle Log Cabin Wall 2
3 0 grade account_circle case moth1
2 1 grade account_circle case moth6
2 0 grade account_circle case moth3
3 0 grade account_circle case moth2
1 1 grade account_circle bush undergrowth5
19 1 grade account_circle mushrooms
1 0 grade account_circle tree blocks4
2 0 grade account_circle Mobile home...
8 0 grade account_circle seascape
15 2 grade account_circle mushrooms in moss
0 0 grade account_circle tree blocks1
14 0 grade account_circle PEI Beach Scenery - HDR
0 0 grade account_circle stored firwewood2
9 0 grade account_circle Driftwood
3 0 grade account_circle log raft, fraser river
37 4 grade account_circle Mushrooms on a log
14 1 grade account_circle snowy pines and logs
23 0 grade account_circle Bonfire
36 0 grade account_circle green lizard
9 0 grade account_circle Red capped lichens
8 0 grade account_circle Different old objects
6 0 grade account_circle Little Chipmunk
13 2 grade account_circle Chimpanzee
32 1 grade account_circle Chimpanzee
24 1 grade account_circle Chimpanze
68 2 grade account_circle Fire Flames
2 2 grade account_circle Caiman Lizard basking
609 10 grade account_circle Laminate Wood Texture
28 2 grade account_circle Details of wooden church
38 4 grade account_circle floating timber 3
28 1 grade account_circle Branch Fence 5
23 2 grade account_circle Branch Fence 3
23 1 grade account_circle Branch Fence 4
18 0 grade account_circle Branch Fence 2
23 1 grade account_circle Branch Fence 1
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