animals Asian-elephant-subspecies big browsers close color colored colors colour coloured colours communicating connected connecting downpour elephant-hide elephants elephas-maximus-indicus enclosure endangered Females grazers habitat-loss hair hairy heavy herbivore hide Indian-elelphants intelligent mammal megaherbivores rain raining Singapore skin strength strong style texture textures tough trunks tusks wet wrinkled wrinkles wrinkly zoo ache aching age aged aging agonised agonising agony alone ancient antique art artwork backdrop background bizarre carve carved dark deformed depressed depression despair desperate desperation emotion emotional emotions emptiness empty expression face facial fear frown froze frozen geological geology granite grief grimace grotesque grunge grungy haunted haunting head horror human hurt hurting illness isolate isolated large limestone lip lips lone loneliness lonely loss male man mental monster monument mysterious mystery myth mythic mythical mythology ogre old outcast pain pained painful patina profile rock rough sad sadness schist sculpture sediment sedimentary shock standing statue stone stricken teeth textured tooth trauma traumatised troll volcanic wallpaper weathered weirdvis accident clumsiness clumsy fall jug kitchen milk oops spill spilt abstract ball electric electricity funky hippie hypnotic lsd plasma plasma ball sci fi stoned stoner supernova tripping trippy univers aromatic bush bushes flower gardening healthy herb herbal herbs medication medicinal medicine nature naturopathy plant plants structure sunshine wine

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2 0 grade account_circle elephants in the rain4
3 0 grade account_circle elephants in the rain2
3 1 grade account_circle elephants in the rain5
1 0 grade account_circle elephants in the rain3
1 0 grade account_circle elephants in the rain6
127 6 grade account_circle Grief and Pain
40 3 grade account_circle Spilt milk
14 3 grade account_circle plasma ball 5
13 1 grade account_circle plasma ball 3
13 0 grade account_circle plasma ball 2
9 1 grade account_circle vermouth
14 1 grade account_circle Running man
10 0 grade account_circle Young runner is jogging
5 0 grade account_circle Young runner is jogging
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