ba1969 butterfly colour cool dude hair hat hippie illustration male man animals antennae arthropods blue butterflies copulation couple female grasses insects Lepidoptera Lofoten Islands Lycaenidae mating natural nature norway norwegian pair reproduction rhopalocera summer two wings England english Great Britain insect Plebejus argus rare Silver-studded Blue Surrey balance catopsilia pomona common dandelion Dandelion dandelion blowball dandelion clock dandelion seed delicate garden late summer light rosa colour macro photography male butterfly peaceful reflective resting sand colour take a break Taraxacum officinale white colour Argynnis paphia bramble brown feeding flower fritillary orange perch rest silver spotted washed animal bug green Guava leaf moving Phyllium Giganteum plant tree Heteropteryx Dilatat Jungle Nymph Malaysia Thorny Stick

search result for male butterfly (8)

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11 0 grade account_circle Cool Dude
6 2 grade account_circle Butterfly pair
2 1 grade account_circle Silver-studded Blue butterfly
8 1 grade account_circle butterfly on blowball
8 1 grade account_circle Fritillary butterfly
15 0 grade account_circle Moving Leaf
9 0 grade account_circle Thorny Stick
10 0 grade account_circle Thorny Stick
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