anger appearance appearances disused dried dried-up dry expression expressive fountain lion's-head marble memorial memorial-fountain molded moulded mouth regal royal sculpted sculpture shape shaped shapes stain stained stains stern surface surfaces diana flow fluid park ripple river sparkle stream water waterfall Buckingham figurine golden monument palace pedestal pedestrianised queen statue Victoria attraction crowd England landmark London residence tourism tourist curbing curved curves edge edges edging garden gardens grass grassed areas green lake lawn lawns light memorial park memorial park gardens memorials memories open space patio peace peaceful pergola plaque plaques public remembering remembrance reminder shade shadows shelter shrubbery shrubs spacious sunlight sunshine tree trees tributes wet circle circular colors colours cool cooling darkness direction directional display drops falling fountains froth height high patterns reflections regularity Rhythm ripples rippling shooting sparkling spectacle splashing spouting spray spraying squirting streaming turbulence turbulent amor angel anteros arrow balance bow cupid love one-leg Piccadilly Piccadilly Circus shoot stand wings

search result for memorial-fountain (11)

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15 0 grade account_circle dried up regal fountain
1 0 grade account_circle Fountain
7 0 grade account_circle Victoria Memorial
2 0 grade account_circle Victoria Memorial
7 0 grade account_circle Victoria Memorial
13 0 grade account_circle Buckingham Palace 2
7 0 grade account_circle park lake
16 0 grade account_circle park lake
13 1 grade account_circle park lake fountain
50 0 grade account_circle Anteros
20 0 grade account_circle Anteros
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