appearance Asian buddhism Buddhist ceramic chinese color colour cultural culture dark decorative deities deity devotion external faith features female fortune glazed goddess gods good fortune lotus luck multi-armed multiple-armed perspectives religion religious shape shaped shrine Singapore statuary statue status surfaces symbol symbolic temple wealth worship ananas ananas comosus bromeliaceae bromeliad fruit central core coalesced berries composite cultivars edible eyes fibrous fresh fruit fused fruitlets Golden Yellow herbaceous juicy multiple fruit nanas ornamental pale yellow perennial plant pina pineapple pointed tip raw rough scale-like segments Segmented segments sharp skin spiky widespread bee-attraction blooms bright composite-bloom curved flora floral flower flower-head flowering-shrub flowers foliage garden-flower garden-plant leucospermum-cordifolium multiple nature open patterns perennial petals pin-cushion-shape pincushion pincushion-protea plant plants pollen proteas shrub shrubbery spikes sprawling stalks stamens stigma symmetric symmetry airy ambience angles background buffet buffet-style chairs closeup colors colours cooked cuisine dining dining-area Dinner eating-out food furnishings furniture light lighting meal multiple-hot-and-cold-dishes ready restaurant seating seats service smorgasbord smörgåsbord space surface surroundings tables traditional variety-of-dishes Dirt dirty bloom blooming blossom bush cluster coloration colored coloured compound corymb deciduous flowerhead flowerheads flowering garden green hortensia hydrangea hydrangea-macrophylla hydrangeas inflorescences large leaves many mophead petal pink profusion summer abstract art artistic artwork caterpillar-like coiling coils colorful colourful contrast contrasting design distinct distinctive edged edges modern-art motion movement patterned shapes strands style surfacing texture textured textures variety various vibrant wallpaper white wriggly

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