anchorage Duifken Duijfken Dutch-East-India-Company Dutch-Republic Duyfken exploration harbor harbour historic historical marina maritime masts moored nautical navigation ocean-going port replica rigged rigging ropes sail-boat sailing sailing-vessel sailors sails sea ship small-ship spar spars tied-up transportation travel Vereenigde-Oost-Indische-Compagnie vessel VOC voyages water wooden at anchor Australia background bay boat boats business district CBD choppy conditions city city scapes city views distance distant expanse of water high rise Jetty Melbourne office buildings Port Phillip Bay ships sight-seeing skyline tied up tourism Victoria views waves wealth Williamstown yachts boat-pens buildings clouds Haze hazy Hong-Kong moorings motor-boats mountainous mountains outdoor-sports outdoors pastime penned pens popular recreation secure security sport success tethered trimaran vessels watercraft yacht club accommodation homes mountainside tourist-boat yacht-club anchored at-anchor dark dark-skies dark-water expanse-of-water mast outdoor outside sail sail-boats stormy stormy-skies weather winter wintry boat pens catamarans Hong Kong motor boats outdoor sports aft hull stern bow bowsprit prow

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2 0 grade account_circle Duyfken 1606 Replica9
19 0 grade account_circle masts before the city
0 0 grade account_circle hazy day - Hong Kong marina5
2 1 grade account_circle hazy day at Hong Kong marina8
3 0 grade account_circle marina moorings2
8 0 grade account_circle sleek sailing2
0 0 grade account_circle Duyfken 1606 Replica2
4 0 grade account_circle Duyfken 1606 Replica14
3 0 grade account_circle moored trimaran1
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3 0 grade account_circle Duyfken 1606 Replica17
110 2 grade account_circle Watery Background
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