abandoned aging agricultural appearances background brown colors colours corroded corrosion damage damaged dark decay derelict deteriorating deterioration discarded discoloration discolouration disrepair dumped equipment exposed farm farming iron machinery machines metal neglect neglected old rough rural rust rusty surface surfaces texture textures unwanted variety wearing weathered weathering wheels Dirt dirty lines orange cogwheels frozen gears red rusted teeth turning angles brick bricked bricks brickworks chimney chimneys deserted disused dome domed height heritage historic industrial kiln kilns making manufacturing plants Remains shape shapes Sizes weeds

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7 0 grade account_circle rusty wheels plus
0 0 grade account_circle farm rust1
0 0 grade account_circle farm rust2
0 0 grade account_circle farm rust5
1 0 grade account_circle farm rust6
0 0 grade account_circle red & rusty1
4 0 grade account_circle rusty machinery5b
5 0 grade account_circle rusty machinery1b
4 0 grade account_circle rusty machinery4
8 1 grade account_circle rusty machinery2
1 0 grade account_circle abandoned brickworks14
0 0 grade account_circle abandoned brickworks12
0 0 grade account_circle abandoned brickworks13
4 0 grade account_circle abandoned brickworks3
2 0 grade account_circle abandoned brickworks1
1 0 grade account_circle abandoned brickworks9
15 0 grade account_circle pink peeling paint1
2 0 grade account_circle wild oats cover3
1 0 grade account_circle wild oats cover2
2 0 grade account_circle wild oats cover1
0 0 grade account_circle derelict3
0 0 grade account_circle derelict4
7 0 grade account_circle wornout wheel1
16 1 grade account_circle Old harrow
11 0 grade account_circle abandoned bungalow
20 0 grade account_circle Herb garden
15 0 grade account_circle Porto decay 2
8 0 grade account_circle Porto decay 1
6 0 grade account_circle gate to nowhere
15 0 grade account_circle peeling paint & rust6
19 2 grade account_circle peeling paint & rust3
19 0 grade account_circle peeling paint & rust1
13 0 grade account_circle Green pond
8 0 grade account_circle Green pond
10 0 grade account_circle Green pond
10 0 grade account_circle bank closed
0 0 grade account_circle derelict farm shed remains1
0 0 grade account_circle derelict farm shed remains2
3 0 grade account_circle Rusty cable drum
3 0 grade account_circle Rusty cable drum
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