accident beige cat creme colored cute feline harmed injured lost one-eyed winter fur animals black blind cat blue cats collar dez pain fearful hidden hide and seek hiding hunting interested intrigued kitty lurking ninja observation peek-a-boo pet puss see shy sneaking sneaky spy spying stealthy tuxedo cat waiting watch watcher watching white xymonau nature panorama plants blind cyclop door enter eye shelter stray Ardea-alba balanced balancing bird carnivore carnivorous common-egret elegant feathers foliage great-egret greenery Heron large-egret long-legged long-necked motionless patient plumage reeds resting sharp-beaked solitary-feeder standing-still wader wading-bird water’s-edge white-egret widely-distributed yellow-billed yellow-eyed

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4 0 grade account_circle One-Eyed Cat
6 0 grade account_circle One-Eyed Cat
127 10 grade account_circle Cat Peering
3 0 grade account_circle One eyed
14 1 grade account_circle one eyed cat
2 2 grade account_circle balanced egret
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