angled angles asphalt bitumen communication curb curbing gray grey lined lines marked message no-parking not-permitted paint painted parallel parallel-lines parking-restrictions patterned patterns restricted restrictions road-surface surface textures variations words yellow cracked cracks discarded paper rubbish acceptable advice advising allocated allocation appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour approved black blue carpark communicating directing directive indication indicator information informing limited limited-parking parking sign signs special-parking staff staff-only staff-parking white word denied discrimination exception exceptional exceptions not-allowed permission-denied prohibited prohibition red road-sign roadside street-sign traffic traffic-flow warning architecture cottage deserted diversity double yellow lines empty England english Great Britain historical home house old parking restrictions road stone street town variety village wiltshire windows cottages doors homes houses pavement sidewalk terraced access-denied alert arrows communicate denial keep-out no-vehicles parking-prohibited private private-property restriction signage text unacceptable wording difficulty hill slope UP all-week cars direction directional fee fees machine money no-freebies paid park payment permitted public ticket ticket-machine ticket-parking ticketed timed vehicles

search result for parking-restrictions (29)

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0 0 grade account_circle no parking stripes1
0 0 grade account_circle no parking stripes2
2 0 grade account_circle select parking1
1 0 grade account_circle exceptional parking
3 1 grade account_circle Old houses
7 0 grade account_circle Old houses
5 0 grade account_circle Old stone houses
0 0 grade account_circle parking prohibition1c
1 1 grade account_circle parking prohibition1d.
6 0 grade account_circle Houses up a hill
1 0 grade account_circle pay for parking
1 0 grade account_circle Old houses
1 0 grade account_circle parking ticket1b
2 0 grade account_circle Old houses
2 0 grade account_circle patient visitors parking
3 0 grade account_circle Village church
3 0 grade account_circle patient visitors parking2
4 0 grade account_circle not wanted
3 0 grade account_circle visitor here
0 0 grade account_circle private & NO parking
0 0 grade account_circle keep clear
1 0 grade account_circle don't stand still
0 0 grade account_circle don't stand over there
0 0 grade account_circle vehicles but no horses
0 0 grade account_circle invitation entrance only
0 0 grade account_circle no rolling along
0 0 grade account_circle no parking thanks1
0 0 grade account_circle no parking this side1pp3
1 0 grade account_circle No entry?
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