above angles appearance architectural architecture building buildings capitals contrast cream dark decoration decorative design Dirt dirty elements exterior external fancy features gray grey height heritage high historic historical light masonry old ornamental ornamentation perspectives pillar pillar-capitals pillars stonework style surfaces textures top variation variety capital carved classical column Corinthian stone ancient church embellished Israel Jerusalem ornate religion religious construction cyprus marble ruin Salamis acre Akko arch crusader support Underground vault wall ceiling circular dome museum pillar capitals Singapore stained glass Victorian white windows acropolis Athens Greece landmark Remains ruins desuetude fluted gymnasium history line mediterranean pedestal remnant row site spiral columnade Doge's Palace Italy palace palatial power splendid Venice pavement two

search result for pillar capitals (36)

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12 0 grade account_circle pillar connections1
4 1 grade account_circle Pillar capitals
0 0 grade account_circle Pillar capitals
5 0 grade account_circle Ancient capital
5 0 grade account_circle Ancient architecture
8 0 grade account_circle in the round - up above
5 0 grade account_circle Ancient architecture
8 0 grade account_circle Ancient pillars
7 0 grade account_circle Ancient carved pillars
15 0 grade account_circle Doge's Palace, Venice
10 0 grade account_circle Two pillars
5 0 grade account_circle Ancient pillars
4 0 grade account_circle Evil faces
9 0 grade account_circle Ancient carved pillar
5 1 grade account_circle Temple ruins
3 0 grade account_circle Symbol of power
3 0 grade account_circle Ancient sculpture
2 0 grade account_circle Ancient sculpture
2 0 grade account_circle Ancient sculpture
10 0 grade account_circle Ancient ruins
19 4 grade account_circle Abbey cloisters
4 1 grade account_circle Synagogue capital
5 1 grade account_circle Synagogue capital
44 0 grade account_circle Washington DC Capitol
38 0 grade account_circle Washington DC Capitol
82 6 grade account_circle Washington DC Capitol - HDR
8 1 grade account_circle Washington Monument
11 1 grade account_circle Washington Monument
33 1 grade account_circle Washington Monument Silhouette
2 0 grade account_circle sons of hercules
5 0 grade account_circle sons of hercules
2 0 grade account_circle sons of hercules
18 0 grade account_circle Washington Monument
23 0 grade account_circle Washington Monument
12 0 grade account_circle Washington Monument
15 0 grade account_circle Washington Monument
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