beautiful beauty blossom creation delicate dez pain duranta repens ecology feminine flower flowers fresh garden gardening geisha girl green love mother's day natural nature outdoors peace perfume plant plants purple reflection refreshing ripple save the planet spring summer valentine water wavelet xymonau youth coloring colors colouring colours cultivar dark flora foliage garden-plant garden-shrub gloss glossy greenery growth healthy horticultural horticulture leaves light mature-leaves perennial rose rose-bush rose-leaves shadows shine shiny shrub sunlight sunshine vegetation wet winter wintery young leaves abstract appearance art artistic arty backdrop background close-up creeper decoration decorative design detailed detailed patterns edge edges fern fine layers lines patterns shapes surface surfaces tactile texture textured textures uneven variations varied wallpaper abundance abundant bamboo bambusa Bambuseae blades clump clump-of-bamboo colored coloured contrast contrasting display flattened grass leafy variety pure nature rain gra

search result for plant leaf (1965)

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478 23 grade account_circle Purple Flower Over Water
9 1 grade account_circle garden gloss2
1 0 grade account_circle fine fern foliage
0 0 grade account_circle thin bamboo clump
12 1 grade account_circle Clear water
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number of photos found: 1965 | number of pages found: 50
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