aerial-work-platform articulating-boom-lift basket-crane boom-lift cage cherry-picker compact danger dangerous elevated-work-platform extension Harness height high hydraladder hydraulic-lifting-system hydraulic-platform hydraulics lift maintenance man-lift manoeuvrable men men-at-work mobile-hydraulic-platform nifty-lifter railing rails raised-platform roof roof-work roofing safety safety-harness self-propelled tall up-high work workmen apartment house architecture balconies colorful colors colourful colours facade flat roof multicolored multicoloured platform roof Poland windows Świnoujście above ground berlin empty germany idyllic platform railroad subway track train station transportation trees Underground abandoned abandoned-railway-station architectural ballast barriers blue-metal brick-walls building dangerous-surfaces dangers distance disused disused-tracks farming-area fences fencing former-railway-station history iron isolated loading loading-crane loading-platform neglected past perspectives public rail railway railway-line railway-tracks roofing-tiles rural rust rusting rusty Sheds station tracks tracks-still-in-use trains transport weathered Western-Australia balcony flat flats high-rise high-riser home living modern multi-storey multi-story place residence residential skyscraper tenement window amsterdam city composite engineering fixture holland hub material metal passengers public transport rolling stock The netherlands train travel urban voyage angles Asia base build concrete concrete-footings concrete-steps construction corrugated-iron. exterior floor flooring Incomplete level levelled materials open partial posts rectangular rustic scaffolding shade shading shelter slope sloping steps structure support surface surfaces texture textured textures wood woodwork age ancient archaeology archaic bog bronze bushes County crannog dwelling homestead house ireland irish Kenmare kerry lake model mountain neolithic oak piling pond post prehistoric raft southern stilts stone thatch Thatched water wooden woods bases constructed exterior grass pillars thatching weeds

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14 0 grade account_circle workmen on high
9 0 grade account_circle apartment house in poland
25 0 grade account_circle idyllic train station
0 0 grade account_circle along the line1
1 0 grade account_circle apartment house
1 0 grade account_circle Railway station
0 1 grade account_circle Railway station
0 0 grade account_circle shelter construction1
12 3 grade account_circle Crannog
0 0 grade account_circle thatched roof shelter1
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