horse horse float mounted police police police patrol transport 112 agent beagle car constable emergence emergency law patrol patrol car police car policia policia segurança pu Portugese police psp safety squad car tow rain road animal bit and bridle Ears horse's head mane reins enforce horses mount policeman ride auto chase cutout drive driver enforcement guard isolated lights officer protect pursuit safe signal vehicle action active authorities authority blue chopper control copter flight flying helicopter monitor monitoring motion moving observation patrolling police-patrol power security skies sky sky-watch speed technology warning watch watching white adults anticipate anticipating attendees boys casual children crowd crowds enjoyment entertaining entertainment excited excitement families fun girls happiness happy joy large-crowd men on-the-move open-air parents pedestrians people police-motor-cycle-patrol police-motor-cyclist public relaxation shadows street street-crowds sunny sunshine visitors wait waiting walkers walking women access availability available badges barriers bilingual cars communicating communication deployment distinctive emergency-vehicle equipment flashing-lights law-&-order marked motor-vehicle on-duty on-the-job order police-vehicle presence regulations responsible symbols traffic traffic-control travel van badge cap cop hat job logo policewoman service symbol uniform

search result for police-patrol (15)

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10 0 grade account_circle police patrol
15 0 grade account_circle police car
10 0 grade account_circle police tow x
10 0 grade account_circle police car
40 0 grade account_circle police patrol
18 0 grade account_circle Horse police
101 1 grade account_circle Police car
6 0 grade account_circle sky police1
5 0 grade account_circle gathering crowd9
0 0 grade account_circle taking the lead1
39 2 grade account_circle Patrol Hat Too
4 0 grade account_circle police helicopter3
2 0 grade account_circle police helicopter2
2 0 grade account_circle police presence6
0 0 grade account_circle police chopper1A
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