angle balcony balustrade barrier bird birds cultural dowdy fearless feathered feathers female height high large-bird loud loud-call omnivores peafowl Peahen perched perching perspective phasianidae plumage preen preening protection significant strut strutting symbol symbolic upstairs white background beak bill black copyspace flamingo isolated neck pink sveres beaks color colored colors colour coloured colours display distinct distinctive feather flamingoes Flamingos foliage fowl green groom grooming group gtreenery large legs long-legged long-necked pale phoenicopteridae plants pools red reflections ripples rippling shrubbery social tall thin trees wader wading-birds water waterfowl aquatic endangered feet flightless flipper foot humboldt penguin penguin species Spheniscus humboldti wing penguins tag Anser anser England english geese goose graylag greylag London pond stand three trio webbed animal capon chicken cock cock-a-doodle-do cockerel cockfight comb domestic farm head India krayker pet poultry Rooster winged cob crowded Cygnus olor flock Great Britain mute natural nature swan swim uk waddle walk Windsor peck

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1 0 grade account_circle peahens above3
1 0 grade account_circle peahens above2
13 0 grade account_circle Flamingo
2 1 grade account_circle flamingo preening1
0 0 grade account_circle Humboldt penguin
0 0 grade account_circle Humboldt penguins
4 0 grade account_circle Geese
46 3 grade account_circle Colors
4 0 grade account_circle Swans
3 0 grade account_circle Swans
4 0 grade account_circle Swans
4 0 grade account_circle sharp eyed
9 0 grade account_circle sharp eyed
3 0 grade account_circle sharp eyed
6 0 grade account_circle sharp eyed
24 1 grade account_circle Great Egret
9 0 grade account_circle Great Egret
6 0 grade account_circle feather in my cap
18 0 grade account_circle Great Egret
11 0 grade account_circle Kite
8 0 grade account_circle Juvenile Pied Butcher Bird 1
11 4 grade account_circle Juvenile Pied Butcher Bird 2
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