ailuropoda melanoleuca Asian bear bamboo bamboo-eater bear black and white breeding programme captive captivity china chinese conservation distinctive distinguished emblem emblematic endangered giant panda giant panda bear habitat herbivore herbivorous lone mammal mountainous habitat oriental bear panda ponderous popular protected protection sedentary solitary symbol symbolic unique wallpaper zoo alarm big brother business camera cctv control electronic fence government guard illegal inspect instrument jail law legal lens Look monitor monitoring observation oppressive optical outdoors policing privacy private product property protect record render safe safety secure security society supervision surveillance system technology television video video surveillance view watching backdrop background board chips compressed construction door exterior fibre flake flaking irregular laminate laminated layer layered manufactured material oriented OSB paint painted panel pattern peel peeling pressed repair resin rigid softwood sterling strand strength strip strips strong surface texture timber variegated wall water-resistant weathered wood wooden advice alert appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour black care circles communicating communication concern danger dangerous denied directions disapproval disapproved inform information informing message messages not-allowed not-permitted permission-denied pictograms prohibited prohibition prohibitions public red restricted restrictions rules sign signage signs symbols warning warning-sign white angles appearances architectural architecture Australian balconies balcony brickwork buildings contrast craftsmanship dark Designs detailed elements external heritage historic historical intricate light lower-floor old ornamental perspectives protective quality railing rails stairs steps stonework structures style supports two-storey two-story upper-floor veranda verandah windows abstract age aged aldabra giant tortoise aldabrachelys gigantea appearance armor armored armorment armour armoured armourment carapace eating eating grass elongated neck giant tortoise hide large tortoise leathery longevity neck plod plodding reptile reptilian Seychelles shell size skin slow textured textures tortoise 3D aluminium Dinner eat food heat kitchen pan pot Rendered table tool warm bathroom bottle chemical chore clean cleaner cleaning cleanser detergent dirty disinfect disinfectant disinfection spay domestic equipment fresh germicide glass glove hand holding home hospital house household housekeeping housework hygiene liquid maid maintenance medical plastic rubber Sanitary sanitize scrub supplies tidy violet wash water work worker

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83 8 grade account_circle panda
12 2 grade account_circle panda
37 3 grade account_circle panda
72 3 grade account_circle Monitoring camera
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66 4 grade account_circle Disinfection
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