adaçay anti-fungal antiseptic aromatic blooms broadleaf-sage common-sage culinary culinary-sage deodorant deodorising digestive-properties downy evergreen flowering flowers foliage garden-sage green health-benefits healthy herb herbaceous-perennial herbal-extracts kitchen-sage Lamiaceae leaves maramia medicinal mint-family pharmacological-properties plant purple purple-sage sage salvia salvia-leucantha salvia-officinalis shrub spice spikes subshrub tonic true-sage velour-white velvety vitamin-rich white wrinkled allotment flavour flavouring garden growing herbs plants bee bumblebee nature pollen pollenate worker agriculture food gardening herbal market medicine naturopathy organic spices sunshine annuals bee-attraction blue botany buds bush Common sage flora floral flower fragrance fragrant garden-flower groundcover herbaceous landscape Lavandula angustifolia lavender lilac mauve nectar oil perfume petals provence red rose roses smell soothing summer true lavender vegetation violet

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0 0 grade account_circle purple & white sage
29 0 grade account_circle Purple sage
8 0 grade account_circle Bzzz
16 0 grade account_circle organic purple sage plants
0 0 grade account_circle lavender and rose garden
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