background cleared clearing community culture families fun grass grassed-areas groups lawn lawns leisure light lighting open outdoor outdoors park path paths pedestrians people picnic picnic-area public public-park recreation recreational relax relaxation relaxing rest resting river river views seated seating shade shelter sitting sunlight sunshine trees vegetation walking water waterways bridge channel classic green house old restaurant round stream summer sunny Vilnius attached blue buildings climbing climbing-equipment detached exercise exercise-equipment exercising greenery man metal-rungs metal-work neighborhood neighbourhood participant plants playground public-space roofing shadows shrubbery soft-blue-exercise-flooring user lake marina pier pond rock stone stones yetty mill shore strea walk barbecue gazebo grill nature shores bush bushland bushland setting Camp campfire camping campsite ceremonial ceremonial grounds circular fireplace fireside grounds leisure time logs safety steps stonework surround surrounding timber evening moscow snow sundown tree wallpaper winter

search result for recreational-area (48)

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7 0 grade account_circle picnic in the park1
0 0 grade account_circle Belmontas area
0 0 grade account_circle park exercise area
1 0 grade account_circle Belmontas
5 0 grade account_circle Belmontas
2 0 grade account_circle A pond and Gazebo
6 0 grade account_circle campsite fireplace
42 5 grade account_circle Winter evening in Moscow
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