bridge bridges brooklyn cities city Manhattan New York ny river rivers skyline skylines usa across the river background buildings business district city central cityscape culture late afternoon light lighting modern Perth river views riverside setting sun shadow shadows skyscrapers sunlight surfaces water waterways accommodation across-the-river apartments architecture clouds condos construction-cranes Darling-Range-hills distance distant flowers freeway highrise highway hills historic-mill homes housing landscape red-bottlebrush-shrubs residences residential river-views shrubbery South-Perth suburban Swan-River traffic trees units vegetation vehicles views blue coast end estuary ripples ripples in water river mouth river. stream sea silhouettes waves business corporate Melbourne river. water scenery towers town urban yarra

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185 6 grade account_circle Brooklyn Bridge, NY
12 0 grade account_circle over on the other side9
5 0 grade account_circle over on the other side8
21 1 grade account_circle over on the other side7
50 3 grade account_circle over on the other side
76 4 grade account_circle over on the other side
7 0 grade account_circle over on the other side
29 0 grade account_circle over on the other side
3 0 grade account_circle hillside river views1A
8 1 grade account_circle the end of the river 1
65 3 grade account_circle City of Melbourne by the Yarra
7 0 grade account_circle Before
5 0 grade account_circle Glen Canyon Bridge
1 0 grade account_circle road & river views1
1 0 grade account_circle across the Swan
7 0 grade account_circle over on the other side
17 0 grade account_circle Bridges of La Charente
19 1 grade account_circle light rest
24 1 grade account_circle River Zanskar
3 0 grade account_circle rock 1
3 0 grade account_circle pebbles 2
9 0 grade account_circle pebbles 1
8 1 grade account_circle rocks 2
6 0 grade account_circle rocks 1
27 1 grade account_circle Mountain Creek and setting Sun
57 3 grade account_circle Horseshoe 1
1 0 grade account_circle riverviews4
4 1 grade account_circle riverviews3
4 0 grade account_circle riverviews2
12 0 grade account_circle dark river day1
3 0 grade account_circle dark river day9
4 1 grade account_circle dark river day4
7 1 grade account_circle dark river day3
7 0 grade account_circle Groothoofd in Dordrecht
0 0 grade account_circle Buffalo 2
0 0 grade account_circle Buffalo 1
14 0 grade account_circle The Bronx
3 0 grade account_circle Bonneville ladder
48 0 grade account_circle chinese fishing nets
1 0 grade account_circle River
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