angles appearance architectural architecture arm basket blue building cherry-picker color colors colour colours danger dangerous elevated elevation equipment external features Harness height heights high machinery orange paint painter painting perspectives raised raised-platform risks risky safety safety-colours safety-harness surface surfaces up-high wall walls white work workman colorful colourful household isolated kit kits needle needles pin pins punk sewing shapes texture brolly clothing cloudy enviromental health and safety fishing illuminous jacket journal men people rain sailing souwester umberella waterproof boots brush cutter engine fuel fuelled gasoline-engine line trimmer line trimmers motor motorised motorized outdoor power equipment petrol engine protection protective clothing protective gear safety colours shaft spinning strimmer string trimmer trimmer weed wacker whipper snipper work clothes working bright child christian family family unit father happiness happy heterosexual love mother nuclear family nurture parents pictogram safe secure security symbol symbolic adornments balconies balcony cambodia colored coloured contrast contrasting cultural culture decoration decorative design Designs detailed distinctive exterior light ornamental ornamentation patterns railing rails roofing safety-rails shade shape style textures windows

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26 0 grade account_circle painting on high3
45 1 grade account_circle painting on high2
56 1 grade account_circle Safety Pins 3
40 1 grade account_circle Safety Pins 2
58 3 grade account_circle Safety Pins 1
36 0 grade account_circle Rainy Day
35 0 grade account_circle grass cutter at work
79 1 grade account_circle Family 3
33 0 grade account_circle Family 2
48 0 grade account_circle Family 1
2 0 grade account_circle colorful architectural angles4
5 0 grade account_circle colorful architectural angles5
4 0 grade account_circle colorful architectural angles6
3 0 grade account_circle colorful architectural angles3
2 0 grade account_circle colorful architectural angles2
7 0 grade account_circle jetty support
4 0 grade account_circle pavement grip3
0 0 grade account_circle architectural shapes & colors2
10 1 grade account_circle highrise paint job3
7 1 grade account_circle highrise paint job1
16 1 grade account_circle highrise paint job2
6 0 grade account_circle outdoor lantern1
3 0 grade account_circle outdoor lantern2
22 1 grade account_circle rooftop aircons
5 0 grade account_circle working men & machines7
3 0 grade account_circle oil lantern1
9 0 grade account_circle jetty support
4 0 grade account_circle jetty support
27 0 grade account_circle working men & machines1
11 0 grade account_circle working men & machines2
4 0 grade account_circle entrance comfort
27 1 grade account_circle working men & machines6
9 0 grade account_circle working men & machines5
14 0 grade account_circle working men & machines4
30 0 grade account_circle working men & machines3
17 0 grade account_circle closed safety doors
1 0 grade account_circle at the beach with Dad2
6 0 grade account_circle at the beach with Dad1
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9 0 grade account_circle slippery danger
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