accommodation angles apartment-blocks apartments architecture art-deco balconies building city complex condo condominium contrast contrasting dark detailed distinctive elements exterior external façade flats height heritage high high-rise historic light linear lines metal modernistic multi-storey multi-story patterns plain protection quality safety sepia straight structures style supports tall units valuable views windows advice alert announcement appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour be-careful beware care careful caution color coloration colored colorful colors colour coloured colourful colours communicating communication concern danger dangerous directions hiking informing Look looking lookout observant paths risk risks risky sign signs tracks walk walking walking-paths walking-tracks warning warning-sign watch watch-out action active activity adult boat boats covered dangers display displayed enjoy entertainment expensive fast handling immobile luxury manoeuvrability mobility motor-boat movement on-show outdoors outside parked pastime popular power power-sport prestige quick recreation shape skill speed speed-boat sport stationary status suburban towed towing transport transportation travel undercover water-sports wealth access-limited advising allocated allocation approved authorised authorized automobiles behave black boom-gate communicate denied directive emergency emergency-vehicles entry-denied entry-prohibited information limited limited-access no-access no-entry not-allowed not-permitted permission-denied prohibited prohibition red restricted restriction restrictions unauthorised unauthorized vehicles white background barrier barriers coastal cruise-liner cruise-ship curved curves deck deck-side decks edges Indian-ocean journey leisure leisurely-travel levels ocean onboard passengers perspectives railing railings rails secure security side sunlight surface surfaces texture textures tourism tourists view wallpaper water activities adventure adventure-playground children children’s-playground climbing climbing-platform equipment families fun kids observation-platform park path peaceful people perspective picnic playground playing public quiet relaxing shade shaded shadows shady sheltered stairs steps sunshine tranquil trees viewing-platform visitors wood wooden children’s-play-area community enjoying enjoyment foliage grass green greenery orange outdoor outdoor-play-equipment play play-area public-space recreational seats shrubbery sling swing swings bees brown buzzing combs furry hairy hexagonal hive honey honey-combs insects layered layers mass nest on-guard pollinators protective soldier-bees striped swarm swarming tree tree-hollow wild bees wings

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1 0 grade account_circle highrise balconies1
0 0 grade account_circle risky walking1b
3 0 grade account_circle undercover boat1
1 0 grade account_circle beach boomgate sign
0 0 grade account_circle shipboard lines & curves1
5 0 grade account_circle raised viewing platform2
0 0 grade account_circle raised viewing platform1
0 0 grade account_circle shaded playground equipment6
5 1 grade account_circle wild bees nest & honeycombs4A
6 0 grade account_circle wild bees nest & honeycombs3A
4 0 grade account_circle wild bees nest & honeycombs1A
5 1 grade account_circle why not THAT boat?
2 0 grade account_circle childrens indoor play centre28
1 0 grade account_circle fading danger
5 0 grade account_circle wet speed1
1 1 grade account_circle outward bound2
2 0 grade account_circle ship's atrium5
1 0 grade account_circle from above19
0 0 grade account_circle from above21
2 0 grade account_circle from above18
1 1 grade account_circle from above20
0 0 grade account_circle from above16
0 0 grade account_circle from above15
0 0 grade account_circle from above9
0 0 grade account_circle from above14
1 0 grade account_circle from above13
1 0 grade account_circle from above11
0 0 grade account_circle from above10
3 0 grade account_circle from above12
0 0 grade account_circle from above2
0 0 grade account_circle from above6
0 0 grade account_circle from above8
21 0 grade account_circle river luxury
24 0 grade account_circle river luxury
27 0 grade account_circle river luxury
0 0 grade account_circle along the boardwalk2
3 0 grade account_circle senior pedestrian crossing1
2 0 grade account_circle shaded park playgrd1
0 0 grade account_circle shaded playground equipment2
3 0 grade account_circle paddle your own canoe1
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