anchorage anchored at-anchor background boat boats dark dark-skies dark-water distance distant expanse-of-water fishermen fishing fishing boat harbor harbour marina moored moorings motor-boats navigation outdoor outdoors outside sailing sailors sea security skyline stormy stormy-skies tied-up transportation views water waves wealth weather winter wintry work yachts Australia bay bench bench seats buoys business district CBD city city scapes city views commuter commuting expanse of water ferry high rise life-buoy masts Melbourne motor boats office buildings passenger Port Phillip Bay sailing ships ships sight-seeing tourism travel Victoria Williamstown climb climbing danger dangerous dangers grip gripping Harness height high hoisted hold holding immobilised immobilized lines maintenance maritime mast plank repairs rigger rigging risk risks risky rope ropes safety safety-equipment safety-harness seat seated seaworthy secured securing ship stop stopped suspend suspended tall-ship tough transport vessel workman

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5 0 grade account_circle moored fishing boat1
11 0 grade account_circle ferry's lone paqssenger
6 0 grade account_circle ferry's lone paqssenger
5 0 grade account_circle up the mast6
10 1 grade account_circle up the mast8
5 0 grade account_circle up the mast17
5 0 grade account_circle up the mast16
9 1 grade account_circle up the mast15
1 0 grade account_circle up the mast11
4 0 grade account_circle up the mast14
4 0 grade account_circle up the mast12
2 0 grade account_circle up the mast18
2 1 grade account_circle up the mast10
2 0 grade account_circle up the mast13
5 1 grade account_circle up the mast9
2 0 grade account_circle up the mast7
19 0 grade account_circle masts before the city
1 1 grade account_circle outward bound2
21 0 grade account_circle river luxury
24 0 grade account_circle river luxury
27 0 grade account_circle river luxury
0 0 grade account_circle harbour activities2
116 11 grade account_circle Pirate
11 0 grade account_circle out from the shore
10 0 grade account_circle river crossing
170 2 grade account_circle Waves and Bubbles 1
330 7 grade account_circle Waves and Bubbles 2
4 0 grade account_circle red ship sail
4 0 grade account_circle Sailing Ship Model
42 1 grade account_circle Steam and Sail
9 0 grade account_circle sail
41 0 grade account_circle Water connector on the sail bo
12 1 grade account_circle Sunset over Lanai
12 0 grade account_circle Pulley on deck
11 1 grade account_circle Yellow sailor coats
6 0 grade account_circle Oldtimer
56 2 grade account_circle Venice
57 0 grade account_circle Hot Air Balloon
12 0 grade account_circle Rigging
13 0 grade account_circle Rigging
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