appearance capicolla capicollo cappicola cold cold-cuts coppa cured curing cut display displayed dried dry edible flavor flavored flavour flavoured food meat mottled pork processed processed-food processed-meat quantity rashers salami salted salty salumi savory savoury selection shapes Sizes sliced slices smallgoods snacks surface taste tasty texture textures variety various-shapes appetisers appetizers baked baked-food biscuits bites bretzel brezel crackers crisp crispy crunch crunchy distinctive finger-food form forms glazed hard hard-varieties popular pretzel pretzels salt-crystals seasoned seasoning seeds seedy shape shaped snack snack-food sticks thin varieties abstract abundance beans broad-beans brown coated covered fava-beans flavoring flavouring horseradish kernel kernels pulses roasted seaweed spice spicy surfaces textured wasabi green mixture soybeans common crystals european iconic looped looped-pretzel loops symmetrical symmetrical-looped-form symmetrical-loops twisted unique knot-like shape

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