ashes carve cemetery cutout dead death figure girl grave graveyard isolated mourn rest sad sadness sculpture sit statue stone tomb tombstone urn architecture cascade coral coral rock current drip fountain garden gardens h2o historical area limestone park running water splash vizcaya water waterfall art artwork carving couple facade hand in hand holding hands quo vadis relief stone carving temple wheathered beard cane decoration decorative figurine hat homeless lump man old stick toy traveller twig waking walker wizard wood wooden calm christian cross fish god holy jesus love Madonna maria mary mother peace pray religion saint virgin ancient apostle Bishop Canterbury cathedral church England english Great Britain historical history kent masonry religious angel child feather wings woman young artificial features frozen gray grey heraldic historic light lion monument pitted public sculpted shaped status sunlight weathered white lake lazienki lazienkowski nature palace path plant plants Poland pond road shore tree trees walk warsaw animal carved head mammal mouth muzzle ornament spout Surrey wall waterspout brasil brazil Brennand cidade city cloud clouds clound clounds escultura Landmark Zero Marco Zero Pernambuco Recife scene sea sky travel trip

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3 1 grade account_circle Grave statue
11 2 grade account_circle vizcaya 2
1 0 grade account_circle quo vadis?
10 0 grade account_circle Old man
18 1 grade account_circle Saint Mary
2 0 grade account_circle Cathedral statues
4 0 grade account_circle Stone angel
8 0 grade account_circle frozen lion
11 0 grade account_circle Lazienkowski Park
1 1 grade account_circle Lion waterspout
12 1 grade account_circle > Marco Zero
24 1 grade account_circle St Maria
2 0 grade account_circle Statue
3 2 grade account_circle Grave statue
13 1 grade account_circle Saint Mary
7 1 grade account_circle Nelson's Column
83 1 grade account_circle Nativity scene in polish churc
89 2 grade account_circle Nativity scene in polish churc
4 0 grade account_circle Wooden man
3 0 grade account_circle Wooden man
7 0 grade account_circle Wooden man
22 0 grade account_circle Gnarled Tree
14 1 grade account_circle Darwin bust
5 1 grade account_circle Wistful statue
3 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
1 1 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
7 1 grade account_circle Bronze lion
6 2 grade account_circle Bronze lion
3 1 grade account_circle Girl with a twig
5 1 grade account_circle Winged female statue
3 2 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - centrepiece
0 0 grade account_circle Ancient stone crest
3 0 grade account_circle Statue of Inigo Jones
32 7 grade account_circle Gargoyle
19 2 grade account_circle Saint Maria
8 1 grade account_circle jesus christ
1 0 grade account_circle Church wall plaque
0 0 grade account_circle Rose and crown
25 5 grade account_circle Gargoyle 3
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