circle classic door Edinburgh entrance fan georgian light new town semi semicircle stone window ancient arch architecture archway austere courtyard curved desolate doorway eerie empty England english gate gray grey historical house manor national trust Nymans old ruined semi-circle steps Sussex wall winter barriers connected external footpath furniture grass green greenery joined mesh metal outdoor-bench outdoor-furniture outdoors outside paved paving protective-barriers road roadside safety-barriers seating seats shadows steel street-furniture sturdy sunlight sunshine agenda arranged Ashton audience auditorium business chair chairs classical concert conference convention discussion entertainment event floor function guest guests hall Lancaster lecture marble meeting memorial Palladian place prepared private room seminar Speaker talk theatre venue walls angled angles bricks brickwork circular community-area designed Designs detailed detailing distinctive edged edges fitted fitting garden garden-wall ground interlock interlocked interlocking level outdoor-area outdoor-space park paving patterns paving-bricks public rocks round semi-enclosed shaped shapes smooth stone-wall stones stonework surface surfaces textured textures wall-seating

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9 0 grade account_circle Fan window
7 2 grade account_circle Stone steps and arch
0 0 grade account_circle roadside seating for 3
86 5 grade account_circle Venue
33 2 grade account_circle Venue 2
0 0 grade account_circle park paving1
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