age aged aging cane crutch disabled elderly geriatric grandfather grandmother hand handicap handicapped limp old osteoporosis people person rehab rehabilitate rehabilitation retired retirement senior senior citizen sick stick therapy tired walking Weary aged-care christian comfort comforting cross dementia-aid grip hand-held hand-sized handmade hold homemade memory-aid sanded senior-citizens seniors seniors-support size smooth support supportive surface surfaces symbol symbolic tactile texture textures visual wood wood-grain wooden aid assistance battery-life battery-operated charged crossing disability distance electric footpath gopher mobility mobility-scooter motion movement moving outdoors re-charged road senior-citizen silent tire tires transport transportation travel traveling travelling tyre tyres wheels adults background boards carer couple covered decking flooring four-wheeled-walker gray grey lake lakeside man observing outside over-water pier planking planks platform posts reflecting reflections rollators rustic seat-walkers shelter sheltered surfaced surfacing textured timber timber-deck viewing-platform views walkers wallpaper woman women bicycle bike crash helmet cycling cyclist energetic energy environmentally friendly fit fitness helmet on the move pedalling pedals pushbike safety safety helmet senior cyclist spokes white appearance artificial beard bearded chair christmas Christmas-trees culture eyes face Father-Christmas friendly glasses Kris-Kringle man-in-the-red-suit Papa-Noel portly Saint-Nicholas Saint-Nick Santa Santa-Claus seated shopping-center shopping-centre Sinterklaas spectacles Weihnachtsmann

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59 2 grade account_circle senior cyclist
3 0 grade account_circle man in red suit2
9 1 grade account_circle man in red suit1
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