abstract appearance backdrop background brown edge edges edging enjoyable food healthy knife knife-edge paste peanut peanut-allergy peanut-butter peanut-paste peanut-products peanut-spread peanuts pindakaas popular roasted sandwich-spread serrated serrated-knife serrations smooth soft spread spreadable spreading surface texture textures used using widespread autumn champion color colour fall fallen grass green leaf leaves natural nature oak Quercus rubra red black branch branches close closeup macro pattern raspberries raspberry reverse silver silvery vein veins white asymmetrical balde blades bows clip clipping colored coloured cut cutting domestic fastened hand-operated-shearing-tools handles home instrument keen kitchen-shears metal open opened overlapping-blades pair-of-metal-blades pivoted-blades scissors serrated-edge sharp sharpened-edges shearing shears shiny specialized-purposes spring steel tarnish tarnished Tension thermoplastic-handles tools trimming variations variety worn closed colors colours discoloration finger-rest pointed pointy

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21 3 grade account_circle peanut spread1
6 0 grade account_circle Autumn leaves
10 0 grade account_circle Silvery Leaf
6 0 grade account_circle Silvery Leaf
5 0 grade account_circle Silvery Leaf
7 0 grade account_circle Silvery Leaf
1 0 grade account_circle scissors7
0 0 grade account_circle scissors5
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