autumn clounds grey lake loch misty peaceful reflection scotland shoreline sinuous still symmetry trees water bush bushes entangled green intricate labyrinth labyrinthine maze mazy nature stem straggly stripes tangly three trunk clipped conifer elegant England english formal Great Britain London ornamental planter shaped shrub spiral style stylish topiary twisted wavy Asia battlements china construct construction curve curved fort garrison Great Wall landmark protect protection slope steep stone tourist attraction tree view walk walkway wall wonder wood anhinga-novaehollandiae Australasian-darter Australian-darter bird Darter darters divers diving forager foraging freshwater-wetlands large long-necked long-tailed serpentine sharp-pointed-bill sinuous-neck slim snake-like-neck snakebird spear-bill submerged-swimmers water-bird

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99 0 grade account_circle Great Wall of China
1 0 grade account_circle Australian darter3
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