aroma clingstone color colour cultivars delicate drupes edible firm food fresh fruit healthy jam juicy kernel nectarines nutritious peaches pit Prunus prunus-persica-var.-nectarine red ripe Rosaceae seed skin smooth smooth skin stone stone-fruit sweet tasty tree-fruit variety whole prunus persica var. nectarine stone fruit tree fruit whitish flesh alive background cell living peach person pink soft texture vein veins fruit-tree green growing growth leaves prunus-persica-nectarine ripening Unripe Apricot Apricots delicate aroma downy skin golden orange kernels orange prunus armeniaca small velvety skin

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3 0 grade account_circle fresh nectarines
7 0 grade account_circle ripe nectarines
25 0 grade account_circle ripe nectarines
25 0 grade account_circle ripe nectarines
18 0 grade account_circle ripe nectarines
13 0 grade account_circle ripe nectarines
69 1 grade account_circle Textures
9 0 grade account_circle nectarine growth1
17 0 grade account_circle apricot orange
15 0 grade account_circle apricot orange
12 0 grade account_circle apricot orange
14 0 grade account_circle apricot orange
18 0 grade account_circle apples
13 0 grade account_circle apples
88 2 grade account_circle apples
30 2 grade account_circle apples
31 1 grade account_circle apples
127 3 grade account_circle little green apples
71 1 grade account_circle little green apples
18 1 grade account_circle apple shine
18 1 grade account_circle apricot orange
24 1 grade account_circle apricot orange
22 0 grade account_circle apricot orange
3 0 grade account_circle green apple basket
6 0 grade account_circle Apples and melon
5 0 grade account_circle Apples and melon
11 0 grade account_circle Apples and melon
6 0 grade account_circle Apples and melon
74 1 grade account_circle cucumber1
3 0 grade account_circle cracked
24 0 grade account_circle seedy surface
28 0 grade account_circle seedy surface
20 0 grade account_circle honeydew green
16 0 grade account_circle honeydew green
54 0 grade account_circle rock melon texture
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49 0 grade account_circle cucumber4
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2 0 grade account_circle stone fruit tray2
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