apparatus art beverage brass brew cafeteria cafetière cafetière-à-piston carafe coffee-percolator coffee-plunger coffee-press color coloring colour colouring drink dry-tea-leaves filter French-press glass handle home-appliance hot-water liquid loose-tea-leaves mesh mesh-strainer one-cup-carafe painted painting piant piston plunger plunger-parts press-down press-pot push-down small-appliance steep stempelkanne tea tea-infuser tea-leaves alpine alps altitude background cloud clouds cold dramatic europe flare height high hike landscape mountain mountains nature outdoor outdoors peak remote ridge rock scenic sky snow snowcap snowcapped storm summit sun swiss switzerland top wild wilderness wind winter danger grit pebbles scree stones ancient culture Pergamom seating seats stone theatre Turkey alishan erosion high exposure limestone river taiwan crop field home house land madeira plot roof scattered smallholding terrace terraces vegetables asphalt curve Dead Sea hills Jordan Valley journey road s-curve turn twisting winding bank beech England english Fagus Great Britain natural plant Roots Surrey tree wood alone beach childhood enjoying hat hot lonely looking mirage mood playing relax searching shore summer sunset vacation walking yellow animal bambi buck chamois child deer goat kadzidlowo muntiacus muntjac reeves reeves's reevesi roe roedeer small sweet

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1 0 grade account_circle french press - tea2
0 0 grade account_circle french press - tea1
23 6 grade account_circle Steep hike..
2 0 grade account_circle Scree
18 1 grade account_circle Pergamom Theatre
10 0 grade account_circle Limestone river
10 0 grade account_circle Terraces
8 1 grade account_circle Asphalt & Curve
2 2 grade account_circle Tree roots
13 1 grade account_circle Waves
4 0 grade account_circle Reeves's Muntjac
0 0 grade account_circle Swansea Bay
7 0 grade account_circle Medieval town doors
9 3 grade account_circle Alpine views
1 0 grade account_circle walking the planks1
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