concrete harbour haven Jetty Lee ocean protection sea shelter steps stone storm surf wall water waves abstract background black design gray grunge grungy. city pattern pavement texture urban crops farm farmhouse fields forest home house landscape norway norwegian rural woodland brick castle fortress germany Harz medieval middle ages Regenstein strong stronghold tower brown garden grass heavy.plants iron lawn metal old roller rust rustic aerate cascade dam fall flow rivulets streams wales welsh green halophyte leaves natural nature plant rosette spines succulent swirl xerophyte architecture atmospheric cottage door entrance flowers mood moody plants stones wooden city cloud coastline cyprus mediterranean mountain panorama sky view

search result for stone-wall (1278)

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0 0 grade account_circle St Andrews Harbour wall
44 1 grade account_circle pavement
5 1 grade account_circle Farmhouse
6 1 grade account_circle Farmhouse
13 0 grade account_circle Wall of medieval fortress Rege
3 0 grade account_circle Garden roller
6 0 grade account_circle Dam cascade
9 0 grade account_circle Dam cascade
11 1 grade account_circle Succulent plant
18 0 grade account_circle cottage entrance
12 1 grade account_circle Cyprus coastline
6 2 grade account_circle Garden patio
2 0 grade account_circle Pink house
9 0 grade account_circle Arundel Castle
14 0 grade account_circle Arundel Castle
7 1 grade account_circle Town bench
2 0 grade account_circle Old iron ring
4 1 grade account_circle Old wall
8 0 grade account_circle Castle window remains
60 2 grade account_circle Wall lamps
8 1 grade account_circle temple of Hatshepsut 26
9 1 grade account_circle temple of Hatshepsut 22
4 1 grade account_circle temple of Hatshepsut 20
11 1 grade account_circle temple of Hatshepsut 15
16 2 grade account_circle temple of Hatshepsut 11
10 2 grade account_circle temple of Hatshepsut 9
15 0 grade account_circle Stone Well
14 0 grade account_circle Stone Well
13 2 grade account_circle Stone Well
2 0 grade account_circle Dam cascade B/W
26 0 grade account_circle sand stone texture
39 0 grade account_circle red brick wall
57 1 grade account_circle Brick wall Drama
9 1 grade account_circle Cobblestone wall background
25 0 grade account_circle Flint wall texture
76 1 grade account_circle Textures of old romanian house
46 1 grade account_circle great wall of china
56 0 grade account_circle great wall of china
16 1 grade account_circle great wall of china
99 0 grade account_circle Great Wall of China
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