altar synagogue temple the Jewish church the Jews the Star of David tora cemetery customs daisies dead death field funeral grave jewish religion star Star of David symbols david emblem hexagram icon Israel jew judaism Kabbalah pictoram shield sign symbol

search result for the Star of David (14)

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27 0 grade account_circle synagogue
24 0 grade account_circle synagogue
27 1 grade account_circle synagogue
11 1 grade account_circle Jewish grave
30 1 grade account_circle Star of David 10
18 0 grade account_circle Star of David 9
14 0 grade account_circle Star of David 8
9 0 grade account_circle Star of David 7
29 0 grade account_circle Star of David 6
22 2 grade account_circle Star of David 5
24 2 grade account_circle Star of David 4
12 0 grade account_circle Star of David 3
32 2 grade account_circle Star of David 2
31 3 grade account_circle Star of David 1
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