affirm agree agreement congratulations fist hand isolated left male sign strap thumb thumbs-up watch well-done yes close-up communication fingers fisted hair hairy hands held-together intense knuckles man man's-hands signal skin squeeze squeezing textures tight tone abstract busy direction fingertalk fingre greeting handheld handtalk handy manipulation multi Nyberg ok peace people pointing signs skills thumbs UP victory work angles appearance body-parts clean clean-hands clenched fine-hair finger-nails held hold surface warm warm-hands wrist wrist-bands alms alone amen arms background beauty beg begging belief believe black bless blessing caucasian chain christ christian christianity contemplation creator cross crossed culture dark duotone Easter elegance emotional faith female figure finger forgive forgiveness glow god gothic heaven homeless humble humility implore jesus jewelry justification justify life light loneliness love meditating meditation mystical necklace needy night object Pardon personal petition pilgrim plea plead pleading pleas please poor praise pray prayer praying praying hands profile religion religious repent repentance salvation sanctification shadow shape silhouette single solitude spirituality sunrise suppliant supplicate symbol truth way white woman woman praying worship worshiping young blonde bowed head comphot01 head domino dominoes piece pieces active bicycle bright safety jacket cheerful cycle cyclist energetic energy movement pedal power pedalling safety safety helmet sporty travel visibility

search result for thumbs-up (8)

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40 0 grade account_circle Thumbs up
72 0 grade account_circle thumbs up1
651 16 grade account_circle Giving a hand
20 2 grade account_circle hands8
64 2 grade account_circle Easter Prayer 2 Duotone
96 0 grade account_circle Easter Prayer
4 0 grade account_circle Thumbs up in dominoes
29 0 grade account_circle cheery cyclist
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