bodgie corrugation iron outback roof shed texture. silver tin abandoned conveyor shutes corrugated iron decay factory metal multi-storey old shutes tin shed urban window frames background bent blue building color colour corrugated dented lines painted shack sheet stripes texture wall wallpaper wavy white appearance architecture construction conveyor-shutes corrugated-iron damaged derelict deteriorated deterioration exterior external frame framed frames historic historical history industrial multi-story neglect neglected open openings Remains shadows structure sunlight sunshine textures tin-shed walls window-frames appearances Australia Australian bird birds clothes clothes-hoist clothes-line cultural culture Dirt dirty display displayed dusty emblem emblematic farm farmingh features flag icon iconic kookaburra mallee-roots national native owl post posts protected protection rail railing rough rust rustic rusty scene symbol symbolic traditional wheelbarrow wood

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11 0 grade account_circle corrugated iron
5 0 grade account_circle derelict
4 0 grade account_circle tin
0 0 grade account_circle derelict3
0 0 grade account_circle derelict4
9 2 grade account_circle out on the farm1
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