attraction Buckinghamshire château England english facade Great Britain home house luxurious luxury manor mansion opulence opulent palace power renaissance spire stone tourism tourist turret Waddesdon chimney podium ivy canal fen fenland flat historical Horsey Wind Pump landmark landscape nature norfolk old reed bed reeds rural traditional water pump windmill lattice pattern drive lawn entrance pillar portico ancient architecture building circular construction cool countryside historic history ice-house insulated insulation restoration restored roof round shelter thatch

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16 0 grade account_circle English manor house
2 0 grade account_circle Manor house detail
13 0 grade account_circle English manor house
2 1 grade account_circle Fenland with windmill
7 0 grade account_circle Manor house detail
29 2 grade account_circle English manor house
24 1 grade account_circle English manor house
13 1 grade account_circle Manor house detail
6 0 grade account_circle Traditional ice-house
3 0 grade account_circle Traditional ice-house
8 0 grade account_circle Traditional ice-house
4 1 grade account_circle Ornamental gates
25 2 grade account_circle English manor house
9 0 grade account_circle English manor house
2 0 grade account_circle Manor house detail
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