advice advising alert appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour back black communicate communication dead-end direction directions information informing lettering message path pathway red sign signs turn turn-around turn-back u-turn white wording announcement be-careful beware camera communicating lookout observation observe security surveillance under-observation warning warning-sign watch watched yellow alarm busy chime city clock day daylight savings face fall back future hour minute o'clock past present remember seconds spring forward square tick ticking time tock tower turn clocks car care careful cars danger dangerous directive drivers reverse risk risks safety vehicles watch-out away blue boots brunette child daughter dez pain female fingers crossed girl grass green hair image infant innocence kid kindergarten lifestage little Look New Year outdoors park pigtail play pony tail ponytail pre-school shorts socks spring stand stare summer t-shirt tiny toddler xymonau young

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2 0 grade account_circle U turn here
30 3 grade account_circle watch alert1
15 0 grade account_circle clock tower
76 3 grade account_circle wrong way1
26 1 grade account_circle Looking Back
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