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44 0 grade account_circle Fresh fruits
12 1 grade account_circle spring onion 4
18 1 grade account_circle spring onion 1
29 0 grade account_circle strawberries
20 0 grade account_circle Apples
82 0 grade account_circle Oranges
41 3 grade account_circle Fruit
24 0 grade account_circle Strawberries
15 0 grade account_circle Strawberries
22 0 grade account_circle Strawberries
56 1 grade account_circle lemonade #1
13 1 grade account_circle Banana 2
1849 133 grade account_circle Fruit mix
70 2 grade account_circle Green grapes
24 0 grade account_circle two apples a day
55 0 grade account_circle lemonade #2
79 3 grade account_circle lemonade #3
9 0 grade account_circle elder blossoms
78 1 grade account_circle Fruit basket
38 0 grade account_circle Fruit basket
7 0 grade account_circle cherry
4 1 grade account_circle cherry
8 1 grade account_circle cherry
15 0 grade account_circle Kiwi
118 2 grade account_circle Blueberry
43 3 grade account_circle Blueberry
1 0 grade account_circle elder blossoms 2
3 0 grade account_circle pears on a tree
205 7 grade account_circle Fruit of the forest
19 1 grade account_circle Banana 3
6 1 grade account_circle rose hips
15 3 grade account_circle Amaranth patch
185 4 grade account_circle Apple on books
7 0 grade account_circle elder
28 0 grade account_circle sweet potato
53 4 grade account_circle Garden Cress
7 0 grade account_circle organic green cabbage
49 2 grade account_circle fresh fruits on white backgrou
13 1 grade account_circle fresh fruits on white backgrou
145 4 grade account_circle Salad
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