adansonia gregorii Australian baobab Australian boab barrel trunk boab boab tree bottle tree brown-gray brown-grey dead rat tree deciduous distinctive gadawon gouty stem tree grotesque indigenous Kimberley native large road verge shape slow-growing smooth bark soft fibrous wood trunk useful verge water retention adansonia-gregorii Australian-baobab Australian-boab barrel-trunk boab-tree bottle-tree dead-rat-tree gouty-stem-tree Kimberley-native smooth-bark soft-fibrous-wood surface surfaces texture textures water-retention cream flower flowers fruit furry nut white damage damaged diseased pitted recovery repairing self-repairing wounded wounds billies billy conserved-heat container convenient cooking-device durability durable economical efficient fuel-minimises fuel-minimizes handles heat-loss-minimised heat-loss-minimized heat-retention ice-cooler inner-pots insulated insulation keeps-flavour less-evaporation lids non-electric pan picnics portable portable-oven pot pots retained-heat retains-nutrients rice-cooker safe safer sauce-pan slow-cooker spill-proof stainless-steel strong thermal-cooker thermal-cooking thermal-insulation thermos-vacuum travel vacuum-cooker vacuum-flask water-saver zero-energy-use

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6 1 grade account_circle bottle tree verge
8 0 grade account_circle bottle tree verge
1 0 grade account_circle bottle tree verge
6 2 grade account_circle twin trunked boab
3 0 grade account_circle Boab bloom & nuts
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2 0 grade account_circle Boab bloom & nuts
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9 0 grade account_circle pitted boab bark1
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