appearance architectural elements architecture art artistic balcony beliefs carved ceremonial ceremonial dancers colorful coloring colors colourful colouring colours culture dancing dancing girls decorated decorations decorative delight depictions display doors entrance figures fire girls Hindu Hindu temple Hinduism Hindus ornamental ornamentation ornaments people raised religion religious scenes sculpted shaped shapes side entrance temple temple side entrance for temple staff women wood wooden antique ash-tray background black brick-wall brushes cast-iron chimney cook cooker cooking domestic-kitchen dustpans food hardship heat heating heavy historic history iron kitchen old old-fashioned oven oven-door pot range shoe-last stove teapot weight woodfired woodstove Brand Feuer flames Flammen fuego hot light orange vuur

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9 0 grade account_circle door carving
2 0 grade account_circle historic wood stove1
68 2 grade account_circle Fire Flames
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