building classical fasade house old window windows wooden wooden windows angles arched arched window arches architecture beams brown colors colours cream interior roof shutters structure structures Tan textures window shutters wood wooden window shutters decorative decorative window furniture closed detail element panel shutter antique door historic planks walls workshop boarded derelict empty frame glass lintel paint peeling rundown sandstone sash security stone abandoned board boards broken broken windows countrystyle decay facade grey house wall metal romantic rual ruined building rustic texture urban decay wall wooden board atmospheric classic colourful idyllic roof_tile roof_tiles rural village adornments brickwork buildings chimney stacks chimneys dormer dormer windows heights high patterns perspectives placement protection roofs rooftops rooves shape shapes style surface surfaces wooden tiles adlershof apartments berlin blinds closeup germany houses

search result for wooden windows (156)

Rgbstock free stock photos

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1 0 grade account_circle The wall
11 0 grade account_circle arches & angles
3 0 grade account_circle Wooden window
21 1 grade account_circle Shutters
28 1 grade account_circle Old door
0 0 grade account_circle Boarded up window
20 0 grade account_circle Window
12 1 grade account_circle Window
11 0 grade account_circle colourful house
12 0 grade account_circle rooftops and chimneys
4 0 grade account_circle wooden facade
23 0 grade account_circle Window
20 2 grade account_circle old side window
2 0 grade account_circle wooden horses
3 0 grade account_circle wooden horses
58 1 grade account_circle Windows
2 0 grade account_circle yellow wooden house
165 11 grade account_circle old and broken
17 0 grade account_circle Window
3 0 grade account_circle Wooden roof
0 0 grade account_circle Wooden house
13 2 grade account_circle Wooden architecture
24 0 grade account_circle Window
51 0 grade account_circle wooden blinds 2
48 0 grade account_circle wooden blinds 1
41 0 grade account_circle weathered window
33 0 grade account_circle weathered window
35 0 grade account_circle Window in wooden house
1 1 grade account_circle Wooden house
3 1 grade account_circle Wooden house
53 4 grade account_circle old window
19 1 grade account_circle Summer house
6 0 grade account_circle Summer house
25 0 grade account_circle Broken
3 1 grade account_circle Mexican House
2 1 grade account_circle Mexican House- top
6 0 grade account_circle Old door
5 1 grade account_circle Mountain shelter
2 0 grade account_circle Mountain shelter
218 8 grade account_circle Room 2
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