background cloth color colored colour coloured fabric green light lighting nap pilling surface surfaced surfaces texture textured textures wallpaper woollen-cloth gray graying grey greying kitting needle knit knitted knitting pullover purl tinged with gray tinged with grey warm winter wool woolen woollen billiard-cloth billiards felt fuzzy-bits pool snooker table-cloth abstract appearance artificial coarse colors colours decorative Designs distinctive fiber fibers fibre fibres firm floor floor-mat inside interior looped loops mat material raised sectioned sections soft surfacing Tan weave wipe woven agriculture animal animals brown country countryside dales domestic Ears ewe farm farmer farming farms field fleece fleecy flock friendly grass life livestock Look looking mammal meadow meat mutton natural nature outdoors peaceful rural sheep spring stare summer warm watch white winter work yorkshire

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8 1 grade account_circle green fabric background1
46 0 grade account_circle knitting
23 0 grade account_circle tabletop texture1
0 0 grade account_circle knitted tan floor mat
46 0 grade account_circle Yorkshire Dales sheep
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