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0 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
1 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
6 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
1 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
0 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
5 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
1 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
1 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
3 1 grade account_circle Cathedral
5 1 grade account_circle Cathedral
1 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
2 0 grade account_circle Cathedral
21 0 grade account_circle Canterbury cathedral
9 0 grade account_circle Canterbury cathedral
20 2 grade account_circle Stained Glass
22 0 grade account_circle stairs
8 1 grade account_circle stairs
8 0 grade account_circle Vienna
7 1 grade account_circle Vienna
41 1 grade account_circle Vienna
1 0 grade account_circle Church tower
2 1 grade account_circle Dramatic Church
0 0 grade account_circle Dramatic Church
34 1 grade account_circle Sagrada Familia
77 3 grade account_circle Sheet Music 11
32 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 10
14 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 9
28 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 8
17 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 7
23 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 6
34 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 5
41 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 4
30 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 3
32 4 grade account_circle Sheet Music 2
91 4 grade account_circle Sheet Music 1
24 1 grade account_circle The Blood
37 0 grade account_circle Sheet Music 16
37 2 grade account_circle Sheet Music 15
39 5 grade account_circle Sheet Music 14
27 2 grade account_circle Sheet Music 13
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