abstract backdrop background brown cardboard color colors colour colours creased creases crossed crossing folds paper raised sheet smooth storage strength strong surface surfaced surfaces tactile texture textured textures tone tones x-shaped appearance artistic blended bronzed colored coloured contrast contrasting cream cross crosses dark decorative design details glassy interconnected interlinked light lined liquid liquidy metallic patterns perspectives shape shaped shapes style symmetrical symmetry thick thin tile tiling vibrant wallpaper x bulbs bushland-infestation bushland-weed cluster competing cormous-plant delicate flora flower flowering-plant flowers fragile fragrant freesia-alba-x-leichtlinii freesias funnel-shaped garden-plant golden herbaceous introduced-species orange perennial perfumed plant prolific scent scented seed seeder South-African stem streaked strongly-scented weed weeds yellow bushland infestation bushland weed cormous plant flowering plant freesia alba x leichtlinii garden plant introduced species South African strongly scented white beautiful beauty droplets drops fragrance rain rain-drops wet bulb competitive corm creation lines mauve narrow perfume popular purple racemes spike spikelike sweet tender tubular railroad sign sky track train

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7 0 grade account_circle cardboard creases
3 0 grade account_circle crossed impressions1
2 0 grade account_circle freesia gold2
21 0 grade account_circle freesia gold
9 0 grade account_circle delicate white
10 0 grade account_circle wet fragrance
9 0 grade account_circle wet fragrance
18 1 grade account_circle fragrant freesia
7 0 grade account_circle Railroad crossing
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