New photos

0 grade account_circle Ancient stone crest
1 grade account_circle Abbey fishpond
0 grade account_circle Decorative abbey tower
1 grade account_circle Forde Abbey
0 grade account_circle Portico
4 grade account_circle Clipped hedge driveway
2 grade account_circle Fountain
1 grade account_circle Old stone window
0 grade account_circle Arches
0 grade account_circle Lily flowers
0 grade account_circle Galtonia flowers
0 grade account_circle Summer border flowers
0 grade account_circle Red Gladiolus flowers
0 grade account_circle Pink Lavatera flowers
0 grade account_circle Pink Lavatera flowers
3 grade account_circle Young Woman and Flowers
1 grade account_circle Japanese Demon
1 grade account_circle Japanese scenery
0 grade account_circle Coloured smoke fireworks
0 grade account_circle Coloured smoke fireworks
0 grade account_circle Coloured smoke fireworks
2 grade account_circle Rush Hour
0 grade account_circle Strawberry fruit red border
3 grade account_circle Spaghetti and Meatballs Sculpt
1 grade account_circle Meadowsweet flowers
1 grade account_circle Meadowsweet flowers
2 grade account_circle Silver-studded Blue butterfly
0 grade account_circle Wild thyme
2 grade account_circle Wild thyme
0 grade account_circle Coastal bungalows
0 grade account_circle River meanders
1 grade account_circle Castle ruins
4 grade account_circle Castle valley landscape
3 grade account_circle River valley landscape
0 grade account_circle Maidenhair Spleenwort fern
2 grade account_circle Swansea Bay
0 grade account_circle Swansea pier
0 grade account_circle Swansea Bay
2 grade account_circle The Mumbles, Wales
0 grade account_circle The Mumbles, Wales
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