Musical Smoke

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Musical Smoke: If public use, please credit me as Thomas Boulvin (and not Ear Candy). WE INSIST !!!Apophysis is a tremendous flame software. Each time I open it, I'm amazed at how beautiful histograms can be. I wish I had a supercalculator to render all of them !
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If public use, please credit me as Thomas Boulvin (and not Ear Candy). WE INSIST !!!Apophysis is a tremendous flame software. Each time I open it, I'm amazed at how beautiful histograms can be. I wish I had a supercalculator to render all of them !
Musical Smoke: If public use, please credit me as Thomas Boulvin (and not Ear Candy). WE INSIST !!!Apophysis is a tremendous flame software. Each time I open it, I'm amazed at how beautiful histograms can be. I wish I had a supercalculator to render all of them !

November 25, 2013 sallyburr

Thank you! Used very similar image for my blog post - It's a beautiful image. Much appreciated. Thank you :-)

July 9, 2013 rnewman1


Ear_Candy profile gallery
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Dimensions: 1600px * 1280px
Published: January - 09 - 2010
Date: --
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Permalink 2dRH8J1x
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Musical Smoke: If public use, please credit me as Thomas Boulvin (and not Ear Candy). WE INSIST !!!Apophysis is a tremendous flame software. Each time I open it, I'm amazed at how beautiful histograms can be. I wish I had a supercalculator to render all of them ! Musical Smoke: If public use, please credit me as Thomas Boulvin (and not Ear Candy). WE INSIST !!!Apophysis is a tremendous flame software. Each time I open it, I'm amazed at how beautiful histograms can be. I wish I had a supercalculator to render all of them ! Musical Smoke: If public use, please credit me as Thomas Boulvin (and not Ear Candy). WE INSIST !!!Apophysis is a tremendous flame software. Each time I open it, I'm amazed at how beautiful histograms can be. I wish I had a supercalculator to render all of them ! Musical Smoke: If public use, please credit me as Thomas Boulvin (and not Ear Candy). WE INSIST !!!Apophysis is a tremendous flame software. Each time I open it, I'm amazed at how beautiful histograms can be. I wish I had a supercalculator to render all of them ! 300px // 600px // 100px