snake 2

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snake 2: A garden snake in my backyard. I think it's a Western Terrestrial Garter Snake. It was one of four that I saw out there today. It was maybe... half a meter or so. Not real big. And I've seen people bitten by these- they don't even leave a mark.
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A garden snake in my backyard. I think it's a Western Terrestrial Garter Snake. It was one of four that I saw out there today. It was maybe... half a meter or so. Not real big. And I've seen people bitten by these- they don't even leave a mark.
snake 2: A garden snake in my backyard. I think it's a Western Terrestrial Garter Snake. It was one of four that I saw out there today. It was maybe... half a meter or so. Not real big. And I've seen people bitten by these- they don't even leave a mark.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1600px * 1200px
Published: January - 09 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2008:05:03 05:44:56
Exposure: 1/400
Focal length: 60000/1000
ISO: 640
Permalink 2dRq4q4x
danger animals summer license
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snake 2: A garden snake in my backyard. I think it's a Western Terrestrial Garter Snake. It was one of four that I saw out there today. It was maybe... half a meter or so. Not real big. And I've seen people bitten by these- they don't even leave a mark. snake 2: A garden snake in my backyard. I think it's a Western Terrestrial Garter Snake. It was one of four that I saw out there today. It was maybe... half a meter or so. Not real big. And I've seen people bitten by these- they don't even leave a mark. snake 2: A garden snake in my backyard. I think it's a Western Terrestrial Garter Snake. It was one of four that I saw out there today. It was maybe... half a meter or so. Not real big. And I've seen people bitten by these- they don't even leave a mark. snake 2: A garden snake in my backyard. I think it's a Western Terrestrial Garter Snake. It was one of four that I saw out there today. It was maybe... half a meter or so. Not real big. And I've seen people bitten by these- they don't even leave a mark. 300px // 600px // 100px