San Fernando Cathedral 7

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San Fernando Cathedral 7: The San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas. It dates back to 1738 and has played a big part in the city's history. Entombed inside are the bones of Davy Crockett and other Alamo heros.
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The San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas. It dates back to 1738 and has played a big part in the city's history. Entombed inside are the bones of Davy Crockett and other Alamo heros.
San Fernando Cathedral 7: The San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas. It dates back to 1738 and has played a big part in the city's history. Entombed inside are the bones of Davy Crockett and other Alamo heros.
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Dimensions: 3264px * 2448px
Published: January - 09 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2009:04:01 04:49:19
Exposure: 1/200
Focal length: 51100/1000
ISO: 200
Permalink 2dRqi9Tx
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San Fernando Cathedral 7: The San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas. It dates back to 1738 and has played a big part in the city's history. Entombed inside are the bones of Davy Crockett and other Alamo heros. San Fernando Cathedral 7: The San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas. It dates back to 1738 and has played a big part in the city's history. Entombed inside are the bones of Davy Crockett and other Alamo heros. San Fernando Cathedral 7: The San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas. It dates back to 1738 and has played a big part in the city's history. Entombed inside are the bones of Davy Crockett and other Alamo heros. San Fernando Cathedral 7: The San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas. It dates back to 1738 and has played a big part in the city's history. Entombed inside are the bones of Davy Crockett and other Alamo heros. 300px // 600px // 100px