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.rust.: Some undefined rusty thing. You can find objects like this almost everywhere on the streets. No one is really looking at it. But these structures are quite beautiful.
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Some undefined rusty thing. You can find objects like this almost everywhere on the streets. No one is really looking at it. But these structures are quite beautiful.
.rust.: Some undefined rusty thing. You can find objects like this almost everywhere on the streets. No one is really looking at it. But these structures are quite beautiful.

December 16, 2014 dinazina

I like urban grunge found abstract art. Very striking, I may use it!

jazza profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1400px * 1050px
Published: November - 11 - 2009
Camera: Olympus
Date: 2008:10:20 11:16:06
Exposure: 1/250s
Focal length: 42mm
ISO: 200
Permalink 2djtjPWx
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.rust.: Some undefined rusty thing. You can find objects like this almost everywhere on the streets. No one is really looking at it. But these structures are quite beautiful. .rust.: Some undefined rusty thing. You can find objects like this almost everywhere on the streets. No one is really looking at it. But these structures are quite beautiful. .rust.: Some undefined rusty thing. You can find objects like this almost everywhere on the streets. No one is really looking at it. But these structures are quite beautiful. .rust.: Some undefined rusty thing. You can find objects like this almost everywhere on the streets. No one is really looking at it. But these structures are quite beautiful. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/j/ja/jazza/600/2djtjPW.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/j/ja/jazza/600/2djtjPW.jpg 100px