Tropical waters

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Tropical waters: gradient of a tropical sand beach and ocean
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gradient of a tropical sand beach and ocean
Tropical waters: gradient of a tropical sand beach and ocean

November 14, 2012 kav12552

Feeling of eternity alive when really look at this photo, thanks very much for sharing. Fr. Phuket, Thailand.

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Image properties
Dimensions: 1030px * 1466px
Published: November - 29 - 2009
Camera: Nikon
Date: 2007:04:04 12:50:39
Exposure: 1/1000
Focal length: 1100/10
ISO: 100
Permalink 2dtU0EMx
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Tropical waters: gradient of a tropical sand beach and ocean Tropical waters: gradient of a tropical sand beach and ocean Tropical waters: gradient of a tropical sand beach and ocean Tropical waters: gradient of a tropical sand beach and ocean 300px // 600px // 100px