Silhouettes dachshund

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Silhouettes dachshund: you can choose:
to the right or to the left
with or without visible tail
with or without visible eye

made with the help of one of my 2008 photo's
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you can choose: to the right or to the left with or without visible tail with or without visible eye made with the help of one of my 2008 photo's
Silhouettes dachshund: you can choose:
to the right or to the left
with or without visible tail
with or without visible eye

made with the help of one of my 2008 photo's
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Groningen profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2000px * 2000px
Published: May - 14 - 2011
Date: --
Exposure: --
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ISO: --
Permalink mYPq2FCx
animals pets friendship license
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Silhouettes dachshund: you can choose:
to the right or to the left
with or without visible tail
with or without visible eye

made with the help of one of my 2008 photo's Silhouettes dachshund: you can choose:
to the right or to the left
with or without visible tail
with or without visible eye

made with the help of one of my 2008 photo's Silhouettes dachshund: you can choose:
to the right or to the left
with or without visible tail
with or without visible eye

made with the help of one of my 2008 photo's Silhouettes dachshund: you can choose: to the right or to the left with or without visible tail with or without visible eye made with the help of one of my 2008 photo's 300px // 600px // 100px