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Squirrel: A squirrel in a persimmon tree
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A squirrel in a persimmon tree
Squirrel: A squirrel in a persimmon tree

December 12, 2010 sailinjohn

Shh, He's Looking At You! Ha! great perspective.

June 29, 2010 krayker

love this one, neat perspective

June 7, 2010 fangol

Fantastic shot! :)

March 23, 2010 Gramps

I love this, talk about a poser.One of those " c'mon if ya think yer 'ard enough " shots :0)

March 2, 2010 sundstrom

Ha, looking right into the camera!

February 22, 2010 xymonau

A fabulous capture, Cris! And a wonderful photo.

January 26, 2010 crisderaud

Very lucky shot! I was walking around with the camera and this guy started chattering at me and I got this shot just before he ran off.

January 25, 2010 TouTouke

Glad to see you again ...I logged out in the other group but I coudn't log in anymore! This picture is amazing ...a bit a lucky shot!

January 20, 2010 Abyla

Wonderful image!

January 18, 2010 Zela

How did you get him to look so cute? Great crisp focus. Well done.

crisderaud profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2272px * 1704px
Published: January - 18 - 2010
Camera: Konica minolta
Date: 2006:02:28 15:43:18
Exposure: 10/5000
Focal length: 630/10
ISO: 80
Permalink mfui5TCx
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Squirrel: A squirrel in a persimmon tree Squirrel: A squirrel in a persimmon tree Squirrel: A squirrel in a persimmon tree Squirrel: A squirrel in a persimmon tree 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/c/cr/crisderaud/600/mfui5TC.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/c/cr/crisderaud/600/mfui5TC.jpg 100px